В продолжении темы глючности сервера mail.ru Привожу здесь список возвратов за прошедшую неделю -
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http://help.rambler.ru/article.html?s=25678&id=25702 Данное сообщение создано автоматически почтовой системой. Отвечать на него не нужно.
We are sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. This message was created automatically by mail system, don't reply.
<rz3bg@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<staspo@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ua4pth@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<psel72@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<cvr-87@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<tarnick57@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ra6ama@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rz3dog@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<bro11@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rd3wc@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rz3be@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<drovitas@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ua9zag@ngs.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rn6lw@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ua6mp@inbox.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
Это подтверждение на мой ящик на рамблере. Сервер gmail.com такие сообщения о возврате игнорирует - посему сколько там возвратов - не знаю...
Добавление от 14.06.08.
майл-ру немного времени поработал нормально и снова заглючил... очередные "жертвы" -
<ra6fk@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ra6fup@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<yur5553@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<valerys51@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rz3tw@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
Добавление от 30.06.08.
Проблемы с сервером mail.ru продолжаются... очередные "жертвы" -
<ru3tt@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<us8ikx@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ua2fgj@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ur7qu@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ra1ahl@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ur5ddx@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ju.stanislaw@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ua9xkq@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<rv6lik@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<ra6mg@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)
<er1ab@mail.ru>: host mxs.mail.ru[] said: 550 spam message discarded. If you think that the system is mistaken, please report details to
abuse@corp.mail.ru (in reply to end of DATA command)